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Gifts I love for the Chic Host & Foodie Friend

Gifts I love for the Chic Host & Foodie Friend

'Tis the season for gifting! As my first holiday guide, I put together things that I enjoy the most when I'm hosting or cooking and that I'd love to give!     1. Jo Malone candle—can never go wrong with a candle! My favourite Peony & Black Suede Blush!...

In the mood for: Fall Reading List

In the mood for: Fall Reading List

There are many reason why I love fall—crisp mornings, sweater weather, comfort food, the changing colors of the leaves, warm beverages....there is so much I can say! My favourite....fall inspires me to get back to my habit of reading—even for just a few minutes before...

Notes 11.21

Notes 11.21

One of my favourite months! I love how the light changes. Those crisp mornings when you wear lush sweaters and warm coats. Warm fleece slippers and cosy loungewear. Bundling up on the sofa. Lamps in every corner.  Throws, candles and a glass of wine on movie nights!...

Santorini holds a special place in my heart

Santorini holds a special place in my heart

Coming here again kindled so many emotions that I can't put into words! I never realised up until I booked our tickets that this place had a profound effect on me. I know it sounds strange but after spending almost a month here, I can say it made me see things...

Notes 07.21

Notes 07.21

                                                                                                    {featured images} Hi there! Well, let me start off by noting that today is July 20th....I'm a bit shocked! I was hoping on doing so many more things in this space but...

the weekend getaway we look forward to

the weekend getaway we look forward to

First swim of the summer and it always starts in this beautiful place! A weekend getaway for moms and kids! Perfect way to start the summer once school's out! It has  become a tradition that we all look forward to right after Christmas break! Our kids start talking...